I saw this sign in a Dunkin Donuts drive-thru in Danbury, CT.
There are so many things wrong with this sign.
1. “Spring is here and we want our customers to be completely satisfied…” implies that spring was the impetus for management to want to satisfy its customers.
Wouldn’t it be better to say:
“We opened a Dunkin Donuts, and we want our customers to be completely satisfied…”
or: “From the moment we were born, we have wanted our customers to be completely satisfied…”
or “The universe began with the Big Bang, and ever since that singular moment in time, we have wanted our customers to be completely satisfied…”
All of these are better than linking their desire to satisfy customers to an arbitrary day in March.
2. Spring was almost two seasons ago. Am I to presume that since spring is no longer with us, the desire to satisfy customers is also gone? Basically, don’t connect your desire to do your job well with seasonal changes. That’s stupid.
3. The sign indicates a website where I can leave feedback, but it also informs me that I will need my receipt for instructions. So in order to input feedback into a digital computer network, management has created a system by which I must also retain the analog slip of paper handed to me through the window.
Does anyone else find this process insane? Sort of like requiring someone to use an instruction manual in order to operate the Internet.