My least favorite vegetable is broccoli. It is unpalatable.
It’s followed closely by kale, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage. I hate them all.
I would like to like them. I really would. But I don’t. I can’t imagine why anyone likes these green, leafy monstrosities.
Yesterday, I may have figured out why I hate these vegetables so much.
It turns out that all of these vegetables were genetically modified from a single plant. Over the generations, farmers and botanists manipulated a single plant in order to create all of the vegetables that I despise the most.
That plant: Wild mustard.
And what is the only food that am I allergic to?
No wonder I hate those leafy piles of garbage.
Scientists have already found evidence that that that broccoli (and its leafy cousins) are actually toxic to more than a billion people worldwide because of a component inside the vegetable that inhibits thyroid function, and that these people also find broccoli unpalatable.
Is it too much of a leap to presume that I find these food unpalatable because of their link to a food that causes me to break out in hives and compromises my respiration ?
It’s a good reminder to all the food snobs of the world (and there are a lot of you) that taste is not a choice. We cannot control the foods that we like and don’t like, and that if you enjoy the taste of many, many foods, you probably have fewer taste buds than a person like me – a confirmed super taster – who doesn’t like a lot of foods.
More importantly, perhaps my dislike for so many foods is my body’s way of protecting me from their adverse effects.