Not the expression I want to see when someone is looking at my penis.

I had a delicious, delightful dinner at The Perfect Wife in Manchester Center, Vermont this weekend.

 As we waited for the check, I excused myself to use the restroom. 

I was using the urinal when I looked up and saw this:

This was the portrait hanging over the urinals. I actually let out a little scream when I looked up. The fact that any portrait is hanging above the urinals is odd, but this one?

This is not the expression that I want to see from anyone looking down upon my penis.

What the hell are these people thinking?

Still wondering about this question after fleeing the men’s room, I asked the waitress about the portrait. She explained that the woman in the portrait was the former owner and occupant of the building before it was was converted into a restaurant.

Also, she supposedly haunts the restaurant today. 

So the management of The Perfect Wife thought the perfect place to hang the portrait of the former owner of the building who may also be haunting the building is above the urinals in the men’s room.  

I can’t decide if this is brilliant, cruel, or a little bit of both.