Yesterday, while on the golf course, I holed a 100 yard chip for a birdie.
It was perhaps the best golf shot that I have ever made.
On the next two holes, I scored a combined 15, including a 10 on a par 5.
I couldn’t help but feel like those three holes encapsulated my life’s trajectory almost perfectly.
We also encountered a squirrel, who climbed up a friend’s golf bag while he was putting, opened a zippered pocket, removed the bag of nuts that he had been eating, and fled to the trees.
It was amazing. It may have been the most ingenious squirrel on the planet.
The squirrel also stole the nuts just a minute or two after I hit my greatest golf shot ever, thus stealing quite a bit of my thunder. As remarkable as it may be to put a 100 yard chip in the hole, it’s exponentially more amazing for a ninja squirrel to ambush a golf bag, open a zippered pocket, and steal a bag of nuts.
Also a fairly apt metaphor for my life.