A different kind of sibling love
I just can’t imagine that my brother and sister and I were ever as copacetic as my children are when we were little. Yes, my kids are sitting atop a…
I just can’t imagine that my brother and sister and I were ever as copacetic as my children are when we were little. Yes, my kids are sitting atop a…
I had no idea how joyous a big sister singing to a little brother could be.
Having spent the first eight years of my life (prior to my parents divorce) living on a horse farm and next door to a dairy farm, I found this moment…
I ran into a friend at the grocery store on Saturday morning. After exchanging pleasantries, he said, “I admire you. I could never leave the house like that.” “Like that”…
I am not a fan of Wes Anderson’s films. I suspect that it’s because I’m an auditory learner who remembers almost everything he hears but almost nothing he sees. My…
Tickets for our upcoming Speak Up storytelling show on March 29 at Real Art Ways in Hartford are now on sale through the Real Art Ways website. If you plan…
No, it’s not the best. Don’t even joke about it.
For the last four years, my daughter has been a student at Noah’s Ark, Temple Beth Israel’s daycare and nursery school. In that time, our family has come to respect…
Comments uttered in whispers: “I trust my story.” “I always betray my heart with my tongue.”
Author Susan Schoenberger posted this quote to her Twitter feed: "Pressure is a privilege." - Billie Jean King as heard on Fresh Air. I love this idea. It’s so true.…