This short film presents a situation that is both ridiculous and reality. And that scares the hell out of me.

It’s astounding how rapidly the selfie and social media have interlocked to become a ubiquitous, ingrained, and inexplicably accepted aspect of American culture. Does a film like this awaken people…

Continue ReadingThis short film presents a situation that is both ridiculous and reality. And that scares the hell out of me.

While my son was joyously climbing aboard fire engines and tractors, my daughter and I were engulfed in tragedy and heartache.

My son loved Touch-a-Truck. There were dozens of trucks to climb onto and into and around. It was his own personal nirvana.      My daughter loved Touch-a-Truck for about 30…

Continue ReadingWhile my son was joyously climbing aboard fire engines and tractors, my daughter and I were engulfed in tragedy and heartache.