Resolution update: 2013 in review

In an effort to hold myself accountable, I post the progress of my yearly goals at the end of each month on this blog.

The following are the results through December, and thus through the end of 2013.


I managed to completed 14 out of the 23 goals that I set for myself back in January for a 61 % completion rate. This is actually fair good in comparison to previous years.

In the three years that I have been charting my goals for the year, my completion rates have been 30% (2012), 62% (2011) and 44% (2010).


1. Don’t die.


2. Lose ten pounds.

I had hoped to lose another ten pounds after reaching this goal back in June, but no luck. 

3. Do at least 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups five days a day.  Also complete at least two two-minute planks five days per week.

I missed less than 5% of the required days in 2013.

4. Launch at least one podcast.

Though it has not been officially launched, we are ready to go and will have our first episode online in January.

5. Practice the flute for at least an hour a week.

Losing my flute made this a tough goal to reach.

6. Complete my fifth novel before the Ides of March.


7. Complete my sixth novel.

The first 60,000 words of my sixth novel are in the hands of my agent and being pitched for sale now.

8. Sell one children’s book to a publisher.

Failed for the second year in a row.

On a positive note, I wrote a new children’s book this week, and I’m excited about it.  

9. Complete a book proposal for my memoir.

A golf memoir was written in 2013. I’ve also written the first five chapters of my originally planned memoir.  

10. Complete at least twelve blog posts on my brother and sister blog.

One new post in December completed the 2013 goal.

11. Become certified to teach high school English by completing two required classes.

I remain one class and $50 away from achieving certification. Since I have no intention of leaving my elementary school within the next two years, I put this goal on hold in 2013.   

12. Publish at least one Op-Ed in a newspaper.

I published three pieces in the Huffington Post and two pieces in Beyond the Margins. I had several pieces rejected from The Hartford Courant and The New York Times. Based upon the readership reached via these online platforms, I’m calling this a success.

13. Attend at least eight Moth events with the intention of telling a story.

I told stories in a total of 15 Moth events in 2013, including my first Mainstage show and a GrandSLAM. I competed in 13 StorySLAMs and won 8 of them.  

14. Locate a playhouse to serve as the next venue for The Clowns.

The script, the score and the soundtrack remain in the hands of a New York City playhouse.  

15. Give yoga an honest try.

Failed for the second year in a row.

16. Meditate for at least five minutes every day.

I missed less than 10% of the required days in 2013.

17. De-clutter the garage.


18. De-clutter the basement.

Failed for the second year in a row.

19. De-clutter the shed


20. Reduce the amount of soda I am drinking by 50%.

Though my soda intake has been reduced significantly over the past two months, I have no way of verifying the 50% success rate, nor do I think I achieved the level of success required.

21. Try at least one new dish per month, even if it contains ingredients that I wouldn’t normally consider palatable.

I tried two new cheeses in December, completing the goal.  

22. Conduct the ninth No-Longer-Annual A-Mattzing Race in 2013.

Failed for the second year in a row.

23. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.

I forgot to post progress for the month of October. Still, I’m counting it.

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