Girl on the edge
My daughter teaches me something new every day. Today she reminded me that if given the opportunity to walk on the sidewalk or the more precarious curbing, the curbing is…
“Come out! Come out! Wherever you are!”
I wonder if my librarian and bookseller friends ever use this strategy when attempting to locate a wayward book on a shelf:
A toddler bikini? I’m think I’m okay with that. A poorly written defense of the toddler bikini? I take great umbrage.
I did not like this piece by Jessica Grose in The Daily Beast defending the toddler bikini. I don’t like it at all. I’m not quite sure how I feel…
Dead boys sitting beside a pond
This is a 1929 postcard of the original Protestant Cathedral at Yawgoog Scout Reservation on Wincheck Pond's Thrush Cove, courtesy of The Story of the Yawgoog Trails. I love this…
Speak Up storyteller: Plato Karafelis
Less than two weeks before our inaugural Speak Up storytelling event at Real Art Ways in Hartford, CT. May 4 at 7:00 PM. Admission is free. If you plan on…
I can’t spell “Slow down.”
My four year-old daughter shocked me today by spelling the words “stop” and “go” on the way to school. “But Dad!” she yelled. “I can’t spell slow down. It’s so…
A book about sex that I should’ve written.
The Daily Beast reports on a new book, The Newlywed's Guide to Physical Intimacy, available in stores soon: A new sex guide to be published in Hebrew aims at teaching…
I was supposed to be writing…
…but fifteen minutes after my wife left for the park with the kids, I abandoned the laptop and followed. Yes, I failed to meet my daily writing goal. Yes, there…
Unscripted Star Wars genius
On this week’s episode of Parks and Recreation, Patton Oswalt guest stars as a resident who invokes a bylaw about citizen filibustering to delay a city council vote. The show's…