Resolution update: June 2013

In an effort to hold myself accountable, I post the progress of my yearly goals at the end of each month on this blog. The following are the results through June.
1. Don’t die.

I was stung by a bee yesterday, which is potentially deadly for me, but I’m still standing and the bee is dead. I’m still winning.

2. Lose ten pounds.

I lost 7 pounds in May, bringing my total to 10 pounds lost this year.

I killed it in June. KILLED IT. Honestly, I didn’t do much. I exercised every day, as always, and kept a little better track of my calorie intake, which typically means smaller portions at dinner. I’ve lost a total of 45 pounds in the past three years. If you’re looking to lose weight, let me recommend you start by eating a little bit less at dinnertime. There are typically a lot of calories to be saved at that meal.

I’ve set a goal of losing another 10 pounds in the second half of the year.

3. Do at least 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups five days a day.  Also complete at least two two-minute planks five days per week.


4. Launch at least one podcast.

What I wrote last month continues to be the case, except now I am in the midst of summer vacation and there is more time now to do the work.

I am out of excuses.

From last month:

The hardware is ready. We designated a location in the house and set up the mixer and the microphones. I am working on understanding the software now. Basically, I understand how to record a podcast and can use the recording software fairly well. I am unsure what to do after I have the recording. How do I get my podcast onto the Internet? Into iTunes? Anywhere else it needs to go? Also, I may need a website to host and promote the podcasts, though this blog may serve this function. Still, a page will need to be created. A logo created. Other details I’m not even aware of yet, I’m sure.

5. Practice the flute for at least an hour a week.

The broken flute remains in the back of my car. Again, since it is summer vacation, I should be able to take care of this in July.

6. Complete my fifth novel before the Ides of March.


7. Complete my sixth novel.

Work continues on the sixth novel, as well as an unexpected golf memoir and perhaps another project as well.

8. Sell one children’s book to a publisher.

I will send at least one of the manuscripts to my agent by the end of July.

9. Complete a book proposal for my memoir.

Work on the proposal for my memoir continues. I will be scheduling a day in Massachusetts to do some research in July.

10. Complete at least twelve blog posts on my brother and sister blog.

A total of ten posts have been published as of June 30. It is my turn to write the next post, so we have a decent shot at achieving the goal by the end of July.

11. Become certified to teach high school English by completing two required classes.

I am one class and an inexplicable $50 away from achieving certification. I planned on taking this course in the summer, but it is unavailable. Hopefully we find something in the fall.

12. Publish at least one Op-Ed in a newspaper.

I’ve have now published three pieces in the Huffington Post and one in Beyond the Margins. Nothing in an actual newspaper yet.

13. Attend at least eight Moth events with the intention of telling a story.

I attended two Moth events in June, bringing my total to nine. I told stories in Boston and New York and placed second in both StorySLAMs.

I despise second place.

14. Locate a playhouse to serve as the next venue for The Clowns.

The script, the score and the soundtrack were sent to another playhouse in June. Fingers crossed. I will begin writing a new musical this month.

15. Give yoga an honest try.

No progress.

16. Meditate for at least five minutes every day.

I missed 5 days in June because my son continues to wake up well before 7:00 AM.

17. De-clutter the garage.

Work continues. We have found a home for all the remaining furniture. It will be removed soon.

18. De-clutter the basement.

Work continues and should accelerate as summer vacation has arrived.

19. De-clutter the shed

Work continues and should accelerate as summer vacation has arrived.

20. Reduce the amount of soda I am drinking by 50%.

I failed to record my soda intake in June. I will begin tomorrow.

21. Try at least one new dish per month, even if it contains ingredients that I wouldn’t normally consider palatable.

I did not try any new food in June. This was the first month that I failed to try a new food.

22. Conduct the ninth No-Longer-Annual A-Mattzing Race in 2013.

No progress.

23. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.
