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Another Speak Up date added to the calendar

Please mark your calendars! Again!

Our next Speak Up storytelling event is on Saturday, September 28 at 7:00 PM at Real Art Ways in Hartford, CT. The theme of the night is Schooled: Lessons Taught and Lessons Learned.

This week we added Saturday, November 9 to the calendar for our third storytelling event. Same time and same place.

The theme of the night has yet to be determined.

Our goal is to produce 4-6 shows a year.  

Speak Up is an evening of storytelling open to the general public. Eight storytellers will take the stage to tell true stories on an assigned theme. Each storyteller has an 8 minute time limit and will tell their story without the use of notes. This is a curated show, meaning that my wife and I choose the storytellers for each event.

Our goal is to handpick about half of the storytellers for each event from a stable of storytellers who we already know and choose the other half from new storytellers who will have the opportunity to pitch their stories to us.

If you’re interested in pitching us a story, stay tuned. The process will be explained shortly once everything is in place.
