Yesterday, I detailed our unfortunate experience on Saturday night in our NYC hotel room.
After many queries regarding the end result of our evening with the engineer, I thought I’d briefly update you.
The hotel handled the situation well. The woman with whom we spoke would have been more than happy to refund the full amount of our stay, but we booked the room through a third party website, making that impossible. Instead, she removed the parking, Internet and room service charges from our bill, which totaled $100.
She also gave us her card and offered to upgrade our room and “take care of us in every possible way” the next time we stayed with them, which we are likely to do.
We still have the option of pursuing a full refund through the third party website but will probably not. We feel that the hotel did as much as it possibly could, and while the situation was unfortunate and disappointing (and bizarre), it was not caused by any neglect on the hotel’s part.
We’re still disappointed with the results of our evening (this was supposed to be Elysha’s birthday present), but it just gives us an excuse to return to the city sooner than originally planned for another weekend of fun.