As if she knew that it was my birthday, my daughter’s behavior was angelic last night. With my wife in class, Clara and I went to dinner with friends at a local restaurant, and she was damn near perfect for the entire time.
She played with her toys, chatted with my friends, charmed the waiter and ate all her food without complaint.
Then we came home and she happily got into her pajamas, joyously brushed her teeth, and screamed with excitement when it was time to go into her bedroom and read books.
Clara is normally a well behaved child, but I have honestly have never seen her so agreeable, easy going and enthusiastic about things that she does not normally like.
Tonight I am grateful for my daughter. She gave me the best birthday present that I could imagine.
And the only one, by the way. My wife went shopping for me this afternoon and came home with a maternity blouse for herself and nothing for me.
But she says she’s still working on it, so there’s hope.