The awaiting-a-proper-title To-Do List #1

To-do list

Three weeks ago, I challenged myself to publish a clever, creative, subversive to-do list every Friday in the spirit of this best-ever to-do list:

Then I completely forgot about the challenge until this morning.

I’ve since added this goal to my Google calendar and set reminders, so I shouldn’t forget again.

I’d like to ultimately write my lists on a white boards and photograph them, like the anonymous people who inspired me did, but I have no white board at the moment, so a digital list will have to do.

If you’d like to send me a white board and some markers, let me know.

So here you go.  This week’s to-do list:

  • Convince the cashier at the post office that you went to high school with him or her, and then admit that you always admired and respected him or her a great deal.
  • Rent a bouncy castle and have it set up on the grounds of a nursing home for the afternoon.  See what happens.
  • Tie tin cans to the rear bumper of a married friend’s car with a sign that reads: NOT JUST MARRIED BUT MARRIED NONETHELESS!

Comments, critiques and compliments welcomed.

This list also needs a name of some sort, so suggestions would be appreciated.

And if you’re ever ambitious enough to attempt one of these things, PLEASE let me know.

I may attempt the first one this afternoon, and it is not beyond the realm of possibility that I could do the third at some point as well.

The second one would require cash that I cannot part with at this time.