Two exciting pieces of foreign news related to my upcoming MEMOIRS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND:
1. The UK audio rights to the book have been purchased by WF Howes, an audio and large print publisher based in Leicestershire, England. Since the story is told in the first person, this means that Budo (my protagonist) will presumably be speaking with a British accent.
I cannot wait to hear this.
2. My Italian publisher has hired the translator of JK Rowling’s HARRY POTTER novels to translate MEMOIRS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND.
In the words of my agent:
“This is a pretty big deal. Unlike the in the US, translators’ names hold weight in Europe, so this adds a recognition factor to your book. Plus the translator is supposedly one of the BEST!”
Unless I learn Italian, I’ll never be able to judge the quality of the translation, but it’s wonderful to hear that my book will be in the company of Rowling’s masterpiece.
At least in Italy.
In translation.
On an unrelated note, my second novel, UNEXPECTEDLY, MILO took another baby step this week on its journey to film adaptation.
Nothing is even close to definite yet, but the chances of seeing Milo on the big screen became slightly more probable this week.
Good things apparently come in threes.