The Daily Beast tweets:
McDonald’s Adds Fruit to Happy Meals: In attempt to make food healthier. #cheatsheet
In attempt to make food healthier?
Since when is fruit (and vegetables, which have also been added to the Happy Meals) not a healthier choice?
Is there any chance that adding fruit and vegetables (and reducing the number of French fries, which McDonald’s is also doing) will not make their Happy Meals healthier?
Is it even possible for McDonald’s to fail in this healthier attempt?
Shouldn’t the headline read something like:
McDonald’s Adds Fruit to Happy Meals and makes food healthier.
McDonald’s Adds Fruit to Happy Meals and yes, Happy Meals are now healthier. No doubt about it. Oh, and they added vegetables, too. And reduced the number of fries. And also the overall calories as a result. Yup. A healthier choice. No attempt here. Just downright certainty.