1. Lose 23 pounds, bringing me down to my high school track and field weight.
I’m down six pounds since the beginning of the year. Seventeen to go. Doing well. My wife said I looked thin tonight. Even better.
2. Do at least 50 push-ups and 50 sit-ups a day.
Didn’t miss a day last month. I’ve also increased the push-ups to 75-100 a day.
3. Practice the flute for at least an hour a week.
Still no practice. But the flute is finally home. That counts for something.
4. Find a wine that I can drink every night or so.
Nothing yet.
5. Complete my fifth novel.
MEMOIRS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND (my fourth novel) is complete. I am currently writing three different novels, a children’s book and a non-fiction book on productivity.
I’ll have to settle on a book soon, because writing three novels at the same time is stupid. In order to help me make a decision, I sent a list of possible ideas to my agent this week in hopes that she can make the decision for me. Last time I asked her to do this, she told me to write MEMOIRS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND, and things are working out beautifully. So I’m returning to the well.
6. Complete and submit one children’s book to my agent.
Not yet, but she should have something in hand by the end of this month, I think.
7. Complete the book proposal for the non-fiction collaborative project that I began last year.
Not yet. A summer project.
8. Complete an outline for my memoir
Work continues on this project, though the outline has spread to my laptop, my journal, my iPhone and a bunch of post-it notes. Consolidation is in order.
9. Convince my sister to write on http://107federalstreet.blogspot.com at least once a week and do the same myself.
No progress, but my sister got a new job in March and may have more time to write. I just sent her another pestering email.
10. Drink at least four glasses of water every day.
Thanks to my water bottle, done.
11. Complete at least one of the three classes required for me to teach English on the high school level.
Nothing done yet.
12. Try liver.
13. Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.
14. Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.
No, but I have another pitch written. I will call this week.
15. See our rock opera (The Clowns) performed on stage as a full production or in a dramatic reading format.
Our dramatic reading is scheduled for late October or early November. The date should be finalized shorty. Huzzah!
16. Organize my basement.
Significant progress was again made this month. And thanks to my wife, I now have a dump permit, so let the chucking begin!
17. Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach business.
Nope. Anyone? Anyone?
18. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.
Still waiting on the funding.
19. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.
Still waiting on the funding.
20. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.
Still suck on about 20% of my payment.
21. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.
I forgot about February and am three days late for March, so not so good.