Post-holiday detritus

The Christmas tree is still up in our house. For a man who likes to tear that thing down the day after Christmas, this has been an epically long time to keep it standing.
The fact that we bought the tree a week before Christmas, left it in the driveway for five days, and decorated it on Christmas Eve have played a role in its ongoing presence in our lives, but its days are numbered.

My furious attempt to complete my manuscript has also kept my attention turned elsewhere.

It was a terrific holiday season for our family. Lots of time spend with friends and family and a productive vacation.

That’s how I judge a vacation. I base its success on the level of productivity achieved.

Sad.  I know.

When I returned to work yesterday morning, I was reminded of one of our favorite holiday moments by the many parents, teachers and students who had seen us on television over the break.

That’s right. Our daughter made the 6:00 news.

All thanks to Santa Claus.

Last year’s visit to Santa had resulted in tears, but at the last second, after my wife had coaxed the photographer into about a dozen extra shots, I told her to wink at our Clara, which resulted in this brief but memorable smile:


This year Clara was excited to see Santa and was quite happy despite the hour long wait in line. She played with other children and talked about how she was going to ask Santa for “Presents!”

But a second after being placed on Santa’s lap, her mood changed considerably.

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Of course, it was at that moment that the television crew arrived and asked to film the experience.

Clara’s tears managed to land her on the news, her first moment on television.  So it wasn’t all bad.