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Resolution update: July 2010

In an effort to achieve my yearly goals, I post my monthly progress here.

This month I will begin crossing out those goals that I have already accomplished.  It will make me feel better, I think.

Below are my sixteen New Year’s resolutions and my progress thus far.

1.  Lose seventeen more pounds, bringing my weight down to 185 pounds, which was my high school pole vaulting weight.

Somehow I’ve managed to gain four pounds this month, the likely result of days spent visiting friends and staying on the shore.  Damn.  I’m supposed to have all the time in the world to exercise. 

What are the odds that I drop ten pounds this month? 

I just ate a slice of Boston cream pie.

2.  Complete CHICKEN SHACK by April 15.

Done!  Taryn loved the revision and it’s just about ready to go.  I am conducting a final read-through of the manuscript this week then it’s off to my publisher and their eventual million dollar, multi-book offer. 

3.  Eat three servings of oatmeal a week in order to reduce my cholesterol.

Not so good this month.  It was much easier to eat oatmeal for lunch when I had fifteen minutes to down my lunch before returning to my classroom to correct papers and prepare a lesson.  I ate four bowls of oatmeal in July.  Just one bowl a week.  August probably won’t be much better, but September is already looking good. 

4.  Try liver.

Not yet.

5.  Publish an Op-Ed in a national newspaper.

Not yet, but I have a piece nearly finished and have been asked to write another for a national magazine-to-be-named-later, providing things work out.  So it’s looking good. 

6.  Participate in The Moth as a storyteller, at a live show or on their radio broadcast.

I attended a Moth event last week, but it was a Grand Slam Championship, so I did not have the opportunity to tell a story.  Still working on it.  

7.  Complete the rock opera.

Done!  We have some revisions that we’ll need to make, but the piece itself is finished. 

8.  Read at least six novels that were published in 2010.

Done!  THE GIRL WHO KICKED THE HORNET’S NEST and THE PASSAGE bring my total to seven. And my latest book club novel is SUPER SAD TRUE LOVE STORY, also published in 2010.  

9.  Organize my basement.

I started work on the basement and expect it to be complete by August.  It’s a big job. 

10.  Learn to use Dreamweaver with reasonable skill.


11.  Land at least one paying client for my fledgling life coach business.

None yet.  Know of anyone in need of a good kick in the pants?

12. Go to at least twelve movies this year, continuing to debunk the myth that the parents of newborns are no longer able to go out to the movies.

Add Knight and Day to the list and I’ve now seen seven movies.  Still on pace for an even dozen. 

13. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Waiting for that million dollar, multi-book deal to come through, or a television or movie deal to happen.  Pitches for the fall schedule have begun.  Perhaps I’ll get some great news soon.

14. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floor of the house with more energy efficient ones.

Again, a TV or movie deal with either one of my books would help…

15. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

I withdrew about half my profits in order to purchase my wife an anniversary gift, so I am now even further away than last month.  And I still have no time to play.  Too busy writing.

16. Post my progress in terms of these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.
