An update on my Big Wheel dream

A few important developments since posting about my yearning for a Big Wheel:

I learned that one of my friends actually attempted to purchase the adult-sized Big Wheel for me, only to discover that it is no longer manufactured at the company in question.

Another friend managed to locate an adult-sized version of her favorite childhood today, the Hippity Hop.  It is available online for anyone interested in ordering.

I did not have a Hippity Hop as a child and will not be ordering one.  They look uncomfortable and dangerous. 

However, I am considering exploring the viability of a company that manufactures and sells adult-sized children’s toys like the Big Wheel and the Hippity Hop.  Thoughts? 

Best of all, my dream of an adult-sized Big Wheel has not been vanquished.  A reader directed me to a story about the 29th “sort-of-annual” Big Wheel Rally in downtown Boulder.  More than seventy Big Wheel riders gathered in order to help raise money for the St. Joseph Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. 

And to have the time of their lives, I’m sure! 

If all those people managed to acquire adult-sized Big Wheels, there must be one out there for me. 

The dream is still alive. 

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