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If you’re embarrassed to admit to buying your clothing at Marshall’s, then you’re an embarrassment to all of humanity.

I had dinner with friends a couple nights ago. For a time, conversation centered upon clothing (as it always seems to do), and a woman who I had met just an hour or so ago explained, “She buys some of her lingerie atMarshalls… and she isn’t embarrassed to say so.”

Isn’t embarrassed to say so?

Unsure if the comment was meant to be complimentary or derogatory, I wanted to scream, “Why should she be embarrassed? Is she in junior high? Are you in junior high?”

But I restrained myself and remained silent. No need to disturb dinner despite the immature, materialistic nonsense being tossed around.

My friend, Tom, has pointed out that I am the only person he knows who demands credit for exercising restraint.