Resolution update: 2009 in review

In January of this year, I established a list of twelve New Year’s resolutions. At the end of each month, I report on my progress to hold myself accountable.

1. Finish my second novel before my birthday in mid-February.


2. Live a healthier lifestyle. Specifically:

Done. I lost 33 pounds in 2009 and lowered my cholesterol to a “slightly elevated” level but not high enough to concern my doctor. I played a great deal of basketball and golf in 2009 and added walking, running, and flag football to the mix. I would have liked to have eaten fruits and vegetables more often, but otherwise, it was a pretty healthy year.

3. Rid Elysha and myself of all education debt before the end of the year.

Failed. Never had enough money to complete this goal.

4. Beat Jeff or Tom in one round of golf.

Done. I defeated Jeff in a nine-hole match in mid-November.

5. Floss every day.


6. Go to at least twelve movies this year, thus debunking the myth that the parents of newborns can no longer go out to the movies.

Done. Having seen Avatar on Tuesday, my yearly total ran to fifteen. More than one movie a month.

7. Replace the twelve ancient windows on the first and second floors of the house with more energy-efficient ones.

Failed. We came close, but ultimately, we decided against making the investment this year.

8. Cook at least one meal a week for Elysha.

Failed. Though Elysha relinquished me from this responsibility, it still would have been nice to do.

9. Eat at least three bowls of oatmeal a week to lower my cholesterol.

Failed for reasons I still don’t understand. I like oatmeal. I like it a lot.

10. Write for at least two hours every day without exception.


11. Make one mortgage payment from poker profits.

I came close to meeting this goal but simply ran out of time. Too much time devoted to writing and parenting, I’m afraid.

12. Post my progress regarding these resolutions on this blog on the first day of every month.

I posted my progress for ten of the twelve months, forgetting twice.

Not a bad year. Half of my resolutions were completed, and I came close on a couple of others. I’ll look for better results in 2010, but I’m pleased with what I accomplished.

I’ll post my 2010 resolutions later today.