An honor or a disservice?

The NY Times ran a piece about the most commonly shoplifted books.

Oddly enough, The Bible tops the list in some stores. Perhaps people feel entitled to the word of their Lord. Or maybe The Bible is overpriced. I purchased a copy a couple of years ago for a project I was working on and spent well over $100 on it.

Maybe the masses simply cannot afford the book.

The Telegraph reports that The Virgin Suicides is the most commonly shoplifted book in modern times. I have not read the book, but my wife said, “there are some things I liked about it.”

It’s hardly a ringing endorsement.

I’m left wondering if authors should feel honored to have their books on the most shoplifted list or if stealing a book is a sign of disrespect for the author.

Also, how is shoplifting handled in financial terms? Is it a loss for the store, the author, or both?

I’m not sure. It’s nice to be wanted, but at what price?