Kudos from readers in Greece and Norway

It turned out to be a busy day in terms of Something Missing.

I received a total of four emails today from a variety of readers, all writing to express their love for the book.

Two readers, including one from Norway, requested that I write a sequel to Martin’s story.  I get this request quite often.

A third expressed her appreciation for the positive portrayal of an obsessive-compulsive character, and the fourth, a UCONN student studying abroad in Greece, wrote about how she and her classmates have been passing around the book during their trip and loving it.

I find all of these people to be remarkably kind in their willingness to take the time to write to me, and as always, I responded to them in kind.

I ended the day with a visit to a local book club that read Something Missing during the past month.  Having a few book club visits under my belt, I’ve learned that it’s much better to arrive about thirty minutes after the start time, giving book club members time to chat and generate questions without the sometimes intimidating presence of the author.  It was a lovely evening, filled with talk about the book, the publishing industry, my writing process, and my next book.

Most interesting was their predictions for how the book would end, including an alternate ending that never occurred to me and one I have yet to hear from any other reader.

I prefer my ending to the story, but this new idea would have been interesting to explore.

If the book were a DVD, I could’ve included alternate endings as part of the DVD extras.

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