I have a list of future projects that I intend to complete someday. Many items are ideas for novels, characters, and plotlines. Also included in this list are an excellent idea for a coffee table book idea, an idea for a website, and at least two greeting card ideas.

Also, this item:

Serve friends doggie treats.

A Doggie Bakery in my town sells doggie treats that look precisely like human treats. Cookies, cupcakes, and other delicious pastries.

At least there was such a bakery. I found out today that it has gone out of business.

I had initially planned on serving these doggie treats to my friend, Tom, but after careful consideration, I decided that the wrath of his wife, Liz, might be too much to bear. So I switched my target to a friend named Cindy. She’s probably more dangerous than Liz, and during the school year, she teaches next door to me, giving her ample opportunity to enact her possible revenge. Still, there’s something about a friend’s anger that I can handle.

A spouse’s anger can be much worse, even if she is also a friend. Know what I mean?

And Cindy’s husband gave my plan his tacit approval, saying, “I’m not going to stop you, but I won’t protect you if she decides to kill you.”

See? That’s much better than an angry stare and the silent treatment from a friend’s wife.

Sadly, I did not act quickly enough, so my opportunity was lost.

One item off the list.

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