It’s just two days from the release of Something Missing, and this morning the book received favorable mention in Jan Gardner’s Shelf Life column in the Boston Globe. Having grown up in Massachusetts, just thirty minutes from Boston, the Globe was the first paper I read, so seeing my book and name in this paper this morning was thrilling beyond imagination.
And in some odd twist of universal irony, Something Missing is mentioned immediately after a nonfiction book about the 1609 shipwreck on Bermuda that served as source material and inspiration for Shakespeare’s The Tempest, a play that my students read and performed the year I began writing Something Missing. My wife and I honeymooned in Bermuda (and I spent a good deal of time by the pool, working on the book) and learned quite a bit about the famous wreck on the Bermudian shoals.
Hopefully, these are all good signs of things to come!