When it’s okay to be alone

When a student’s answer to a math problem differs from the rest of their classmates’ answers, I always celebrate that student.

Their answer may be wrong, and they might even be the only student to solve the problem incorrectly, but they were brave enough to offer it as a possibility.

They are known in my classroom as heroes.

When their answer is correct, they are heroes who saved the world.

I thought about this when I saw this image. Although I don’t think the artist intended the image to be inspiring when it was originally conceived, I find it incredibly inspiring.

Yes, it’s tragic that most of the children depicted are staring at their stupid screens — and yes, that reality is deeply depressing —  but the kid in the middle with the soccer ball is my hero.

I wish that kid had someone to play with.

I wish that kid were playing in an actual game.

I wish that kid didn’t feel so alone.

But I also know that kid is going to conquer the world.

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