Special Invitation! Join my Launch Team!

I am pleased to announce that my new book of Someday Is Today: 22 Simple, Actionable Ways to Propel Your Creative Life will be available wherever books are sold in the US on Tuesday June 7th and in other countries shortly thereafter!

I wrote Someday is Today to help empower you to make manageable changes so you can achieve the creative things you want to make happen without upending your life.  The practical advice I offer in the book has worked for me personally, as well as the countless other creative people I have consulted with, whether their goal is to sing, knit, draw, write, or teach.

And I’m not alone on this one. The foreword to the book is written by my wife, Elysha, and the afterword is written by my friend, Matthew Shepard.

Reviews and marketing around the book’s publication date are essential, so I am working with my publisher, New World Library, to create a special launch team of volunteers who are willing to pre-order the book and post a reviews on Amazon once the book becomes available.

If you join the team, you will be among the first people to read the book via a free sneak peek advance PDF copy that my publisher will provide in advance of the pub date and you’ll receive some bonus perks as well! 


Step 1: Pre-order a print copy of the book from Amazon as soon as possible.

• If you live in the US use this link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1608687503

• If you live in Canada use this link: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1608687503

• If you live in the UK use this link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1608687503

• If you live in Australia use this link: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/1608687503

If you live elsewhere, you can order the book through your local Amazon or via the Book Depository using this link.
Step 2: Sign-up to be on my launch team by the end of the day on Tuesday March 15th (you will need your receipt or order number from Amazon).

To sign up, just click this link and complete the Launch Team form.

Step 3: Receive a sneak-peek PDF copy of the book by email in early April.

Step 4: Read the advance PDF copy of the book.

Step 5: Post a review of the book on Amazon.com. When you receive the PDF copy my publisher will give you a specific date range sometime after the publication date of Tuesday June 7th to post your review based on the first initial of your last name.


  • Receive an advanced PDF of the book! Read it before anyone else!
  • Join me in early May for an online Zoom meeting wherein I will share at least one new productivity strategy that didn’t make it into the book, as well as answer ANY AND ALL questions about the book and anything else that you may want to know. This Zoom call will be recorded and can be sent to you in the event that you are unavailable.
  • Receive three digital animations featuring productivity strategies that didn’t make it into the book.
  • Enjoy my undying gratitude.

Thank you for considering this request and for being a part of my community. Please sign up only if you are committed to doing all of the above.

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