Resolution update: September 2024

Every month, I report the progress of my yearly goals to monitor progress (or the lack thereof) and hold myself accountable.
The following are the September 2024 results.


1. Don’t die.

I was sure that I had pneumonia, but after a chest X-ray, a COVID test, and a flu test, it turns out that I only have a plain old virus.

Still alive despite still being sick.

2. Lose 10 pounds.

After a wedding weekend in San Fransisco, a bunch of days without exercise, and about four bags of cough drops, I managed to gain four pounds.

Hopefully, this is temporary, and when I finally shake this cold, the added pounds will fall off.

3. Do a targeted push-up workout at least four times per week. 

I didn’t exercise for the last six days of September because of illness. Otherwise done.

4. Complete 100 sit-ups four times per week. 

I didn’t exercise for the last six days of September because of illness. Otherwise done.

5. Complete three one-minute planks four times a week.

I didn’t exercise for the last six days of September because of illness. Otherwise done.

6. Cycle for at least five days every week. 

I didn’t exercise for the last six days of September because of illness.

I’ve recorded 268 rides in 274 days in 2024.

7. Meet or beat the USGA’s average golfing handicap for men of 14.2. 

My current handicap is 25.4, down from 25.7 last month. Still a high number but improving.

But I’ve come to realize something important via research:

The average male golfer’s handicap isn’t really 14.2 because most golfers don’t maintain a handicap, and those who do tend to be a minority of better, more serious golfers who are active members at country clubs.

I’ve set a goal that may be unrealistic.


8. Complete my eighth novel.

I continue to work on the book based on the editor’s feedback. I am making excellent progress. It was supposed to be done at the end of August, but I am not quite finished.

Very close, though.

9. Write my next Storyworthy book.

My next book will not be a storytelling book. My agent and I have decided upon a novel instead.

That said, I have another storytelling book written in first-draft form, and I’m wrapping it up. It won’t go to the publisher anytime soon, but it’ll be done.

10. Write, edit, and revise my golf memoir.

Work has begun on adding to and revising. As golf season ends in a month — or two or three — this book will keep me company through the winter months.

11. Write my “Advice for Kids” book.

Excellent progress made. I’ve combined three lists written over five years into one organized list—a very productive flight from San Fransisco to Dallas—and have begun fleshing out each piece of advice.

2. Write/complete at least three new picture books, including one with a female, non-white protagonist.

I’m writing children’s books about Connecticut’s infamous October 2011 snowstorm, the gypsy moth invasion of New England in 1981, and the lullaby “Rock a By Baby.”

Rough drafts of all are complete. I’ve read one of them to my class for feedback. I’ll be finalizing them in the final months of 2024.

I have three other ideas I’m beginning to work on, too.

13. Write about my childhood in partnership with my sister, Kelli, at least twice per month. 

Kelli and I spent a day together in February but forgot to discuss this topic. Seven months later, we still need to discuss.

14. Launch a Substack.

Substack forthcoming. I’m in discussions with folks about how to monetize best, and I’m enrolled in a course on managing Substacks effectively.

15. Write a new solo show.

All the work on this project is done in my head since I’ve never written down anything I say onstage, so I don’t have much to show for my efforts, but I am working hard nonetheless.

I’ve accumulated all of the stories I plan to tell as a part of the show, and I may have them ordered properly, too.

16. Write a musical.

No progress.

17. Submit at least three Op-Ed pieces to The New York Times for consideration.


One story was submitted in September. Three so far in 2024. All rejected.

I also submitted all three to the Washington Post. Also rejected.

18. Write at least four letters to my father.

One letter written in 2024 so far.

19. Write 150 letters.


I wrote 16 letters in September. The recipients included students, former students, the parents of students, two friends, my child’s principal, and a restaurant.

I’ve written a total of 152 letters in 2024.

20. Write to at least six authors about a book I love. 

No letters were written in September.

I’ve written letters to authors Andrew Wilkinson and Joe Rocco so far.


21. Perform a new solo show.

Initially, I planned on performing at TheaterWorks in Hartford in November, but complications with their scheduling have pushed that back to April 2025.

22. Complete the re-recording of Storyworthy For Business. 

Recording complete! I need to do some voice-over when my voice returns, and then I’m done!

23. Record and produce at least two new Storyworthy courses.

I produced and sold another webinar in September, bringing the total to four in 2024.

We’ll also carve up the new Storyworthy for Business course into smaller, separate courses, extending this goal considerably.

24. Produce a total of six Speak Up storytelling events in 2024.

No shows were produced in September. A Voices of Hope show was rescheduled for the spring of 2025.

Five shows have been produced so far in 2024. They include:

  • “Matt and Jeni Are Unprepared” on March 2 at TheaterWorks in Hartford.
  • “Sportsing” on March 16 at the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History
  • “School” on May 3 at Sedgwick Middle School in West Hartford, CT
  • Speak Up – CPA Prison Arts show on June 5 at The Pond House in West Hartford, CT
  • Great Hartford Story Slam on July 27 at Hartford Flavor Company

We also have the following show scheduled for 2024:

  • October 5: “Stories Sell” book party at the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History
  • November 8: “Matt and Jeni Are Unprepared” at the Playhouse on Park in West Hartford, CT

25. Submit pitches to at least three upcoming TEDx events, hoping to be accepted by one.

No progress.

I spoke at TEDxBU on April 20. It went very well, and the recording should be online soon.

26. Attend at least eight Moth events with the intention of telling a story.

Done! I attended one Moth StorySLAM in September in NYC.

A total of 12 Moth events so far in 2024.

27. Win at least one Moth StorySLAM.

Done. I won:

  • Boston StorySLAM on June 25
  • Boston StorySLAM on February 27
  • NYC StorySLAM on July 17

I’ve won three of five StorySLAMs so far this year.

28. Win a Moth GrandSLAM.

I competed in the Moth GrandSLAM in Boston in March and placed second.

I should’ve won, but I think that a lot.

I’ll perform in a GrandSLAM in NYC and Washington, DC, later this year.

29. Pitch “You’re a Monster, Matthew Dicks” to at least a dozen theaters and/or directors in 2024.

I’ve pitched “You’re a Monster, Matthew Dicks” to two theaters so far in 2024.

I performed the show on March 30 at the Mopco Improv Theater in Schenectady, New York. It went quite well.

30. Produce at least 24 episodes of our podcast Speak Up Storytelling.

No progress.

31. Perform stand-up at least six times. 

I’ve performed stand-up twice in 2024 — both shows in Ottowa, Canada.

32. Pitch three stories to This American Life.

One story has been pitched thus far.

33. Submit at least three pitches to Marc Maron’s WTF podcast.

No progress.

34. Send a newsletter to readers at least 50 times. 

Eleven newsletters were written in September. I also failed to count a weekly newsletter I write to Storyworthy VIP members, so I can add another nine to my total, bringing the total in 2024 to 44.


35. Organize the basement.

I’ve made huge progress. I’ve sorted through over a dozen bins, donated many things, and discarded many things. Elysha has helped this process massively by agreeing to immediately sort through any bin I bring up from the basement.

The goal:

  1. Organize all bins in the basement in a logical, identifiable order
  2. Eliminate anything no longer wanted
  3. Store Elysha’s classroom materials in an organized manner

36. Clear the garage of unwanted items.

Elysha’s long-forgotten classroom detritus is the last pile to be eliminated. She has begun bringing the bins to school, and this project is nearly complete.


37. Text or call my brother or sister once per month. 

Done. I discovered that, like me, my brother has never been bruised.

It must be genetic. Right?

My sister reportedly bruises when a butterfly bumps into her.

38. Take at least one photo of my children every day.


39. Take at least one photo with Elysha and me each week.


40. Plan a reunion of the Heavy Metal Playhouse.

No progress.

41. I will not comment positively or negatively about the physical appearance of any person save my wife and children to reduce the focus on physical appearance in our culture overall.

Done. I told my students about this policy in September, and they support it wholeheartedly.

42. Surprise Elysha at least 12 times.

Two surprises in September:

  1. Dinner was on the table as she returned home on an evening when she planned to make dinner for the family.
  2. Upgrade to first-class tickets from Minneapolis to San Fransisco thanks to my many Delta rewards points.

Ten surprises in 2024 so far:

  1. Tickets to “Little Shop of Horrors” on Broadway
  2. Tickets to “Merrily We Go Along” on Broadway
  3. Tickets to “Tommy” on Broadway
  4. Cheesecake delivered to Elysha and her teammates during an especially challenging day
  5. A surprise weekend spent in Rhode Island with friends
  6. Tickets to “The Outsiders ” on Broadway this month
  7. A well-timed sweet tea
  8. A basket full of things Elysha loves
  9. Dinner on the table
  10. First-class tickets to San Fransisco

43. Play poker at least six times.


I’ve decided to count poker games with Charlie since they are serious affairs with candy at stake.

I played poker four times in September, for a total of seven times in 2024.

I’ve also scheduled a game with friends for this month. Charlie is invited to play, too.

44. Spend at least six days with my best friend of more than 30 years.


We spent two days together in September—seven so far.


45. Memorize the lyrics to at least five favorite songs. 

Memorized so far:

“Our Wonderful Lives” by Styx
“Come a Little Bit Closer” by Jay and the Young Americans
“Fox on the Run” by Sweet

46. Practice the flute at least four times per week.

I did not practice in September.


47. Read at least 12 books.

I read two books in September, bringing my total to 22 in 2024.

”One the Edge” by Nate Silver
“Green Lights” by Matthew McConaughey

I’m currently reading:

“Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck
“The Power Broker” by Robert Caro
“Excellent Advice for Living” by Kevin Kelly
”Mediations” by Marcus Aurelius
”Miracle and Wonder” by Bruce Headlam and Malcolm Gladwell

Books read in 2024 include:

  1. “Upstream” by Chip Heath
  2. ”Happy Pepple Are Annoying” by Josh Peck
  3. ”Comedy Comedy Comedy Drama” by Bob Odenkirk
  4. “The Power of Regret” by Daniel Pink
  5. “Fluke” by Brian Klass
  6. “Misfit” by Gary Gulman
  7. “How to Weep in Public” by Jacqueline Novak
  8. “The Anxious Generation” by Jonathan Haidt
  9. “The Demon of Unrest” by Erik Larson
  10. ”You Like It Darker” by Stephen King
  11. ”A Short Guide to a Happy Life” by Anna Quindlen
  12. ”How to Say Goodbye” by Wendy McNaughton
  13. ”We’re All In This Together” by Tom Papa
  14. ”Smart Brevity” by Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen, and Roy Schwartz
  15. ”Hello Molly” by Molly Shannon
  16. “The Deerfield Massacre” by John Swanson
  17. ”Duma Key” by Stephen King
  18. ”Never Enough” by Andrew Wilkinson
  19. “Opposable Thumbs” by Matt Signer
  20. “The Splendid and the Vile” by Erik Larson
  21. ”One the Edge” by Nate Silver
  22. “Green Lights” by Matthew McConaughey

48. Finish reading TIME’s 100 Best Children’s Books of All Time

I did not read any of these books in September. I read plenty of picture books to my students, but no new ones from the list.

I may need to find or purchase some of the books on the list that are not in my school’s library.

I’ve read 36 books from the list thus far.

49. Unify my passwords using a password manager.


50. Learn to use QuickBooks for my business.

Done! Invoicing, payroll, and taxes are now all managed via QuickBooks. It’s much easier than I thought.

51. Rectify the heating problem in my studio.

I received estimates on this project, which is more than expected.

As a temporary measure, I purchased an electric radiator and plugged it into a Bluetooth outlet to turn the heat on before going downstairs, allowing the room to be warm when I entered.

This solution might be better than the thousands of dollars required to install heat, and it might be my permanent solution, depending on the possibility of finishing other parts of the basement.

My friend Chris may have an idea, too, so I’m holding off on declaring this complete.

52. Learn the names of every employee who works at my school.

I learned the names of five colleagues — four new and one existing — in September.

I’ve also acquired a list of all staff and have begun checking off names.

53. Assemble a complete toolbox.

Done! Completed as a part of the basement cleanup.

54. Edit our wedding footage into a movie of the day.

No progress. I’m actually looking forward to this job, but it will require me to learn how to edit videos using a new program.

Thankfully, I employ someone who knows exactly how to do this.

55. Memorize three new poems.

I memorized James Joyce’s “Tree” and Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken.”

I’m still working on Act V Scene 5, lines 18-28 of Macbeth.

56. Complete my Eagle Scout project.

October 12! Join me at Center Cemetery in Newington, CT. Help me clean headstones and beautify this special place.

57. Post my progress regarding these resolutions on this blog and social media on the first day of every month.


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