Resolution update: May 2024

Every month, I report the progress of my yearly goals to monitor progress (or the lack thereof) and hold myself accountable.
The following are the results from May 2024.


1. Don’t die.

I encountered a bobcat and a coyote on the golf course in May, but we all kept our distance.

2. Lose 10 pounds.

I gained two pounds in May.

Now I need to lose 12 pounds.

3. Do a targeted push-up workout at least four times per week. 


4. Complete 100 sit-ups four times per week. 


5. Complete three one-minute planks four times a week.


6. Cycle for at least five days every week. 

Done. I missed only one day in May. I was traveling, so no bike was available, but I also rode multiple times on other days, too.

I’ve recorded 157 rides in 153 days in 2024.

7. Meet or beat the USGA’s average golfing handicap for men of 14.2. 

I’ve begun recording my handicap on a new, more accurate, more official app, but I have yet to play enough golf to yield an official handicap.

It’s not going to be good.


8. Complete my eighth novel.

I continue to work on the book based on the editor’s feedback. Excellent progress. Possibly complete by the end of June.

9. Write my next Storyworthy book.

I still need to meet with my agent and editor to determine the subject of this next book.

I have a great idea, but I suspect they will want a different idea.

10. Write, edit, and revise my golf memoir.

I discussed this book with my agent last month and made a plan to proceed.

11. Write my “Advice for Kids” book.

Solid progress was made in May.

12. Write/complete at least three new picture books, including one with a female, non-white protagonist.

I’m writing children’s books about Connecticut’s infamous October 2011 snowstorm and another about the gypsy moth invasion of New England in 1981.

I have two other ideas that I am also excited about.

13. Write about my childhood in partnership with my sister, Kelli, at least twice per month. 

Kelli and I spent a day together in February but forgot to discuss this topic. We still need to discuss.

14. Launch a Substack.

I’ve spoken with someone who has convinced me to launch a Substack. I’ll be doing so soon.

15. Write a new solo show.

All the work on this project is being done in my head since I’ve never written down anything I ever say onstage, so I don’t have much to show for my work, but I am working hard nonetheless. This month, I had a structural breakthrough that I’m excited about.

I’ll be debuting the show in November at TheaterWorks in Hartford.

16. Write a musical.

No progress.

17. Submit at least three Op-Ed pieces to The New York Times for consideration.

One story still in progress.

18. Write at least four letters to my father.

One letter written in 2024 so far.

19. Write 150 letters.

I wrote 12 letters in May. Recipients included current students, colleagues, friends, and two despicable politicians.

I’ve written a total of 75 letters in 2024.

20. Write to at least six authors about a book I love. 

I have now identified five authors to whom I will write. No actual writing progress was made, though I sought the address for two without success. I may need to send letters to their publishers, which always makes me nervous. They may never arrive in the author’s hands.


21. Perform a new solo show.

The month has been set:

TheaterWorks in Hartford in November. Dates should be finalized soon.

22. Complete the re-recording of Storyworthy For Business. 

The revised course outline is nearly complete, and a production schedule is in place. This will be happening over the summer.

23. Record and produce at least two new Storyworthy courses.

I’ve recorded six webinars that will likely become courses that we sell. They have already been added to the platform for members, which might not count as a new course unless we also sell them separately.

So maybe?

24. Produce a total of six Speak Up storytelling events in 2024.

Three shows produced in 2024 so far:

  • “Matt and Jeni Are Unprepared” on March 2 at TheaterWorks in Hartford.
  • “Sportsing” on March 16 at the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History
  • “School” on May 3 at Sedgwick Middle School in West Hartford, CT

We also have the following shows scheduled for 2024:

  • June 11: A Speak Up – CPA Prison Arts show at The Pond House in West Hartford, CT
  • June 15: “Stores Sell: Storyworthy Strategies to Grow Your Business and Brand” release party at the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History

More to come!

25. Submit pitches to at least three upcoming TEDx events, hoping to be accepted by one.

No progress.

I spoke at TEDxBU on April 20. It went very well.

26. Attend at least eight Moth events with the intention of telling a story.

I attended one Moth StorySLAM in May. There were 11 names in the bag, but my name failed to emerge.


Five Moth events so far in 2024.

27. Win at least one Moth StorySLAM.

Done! I won the Boston StorySLAM. My 60th Moth StorySLAM victory!

28. Win a Moth GrandSLAM.

I competed in the Moth GrandSLAM in Boston in March and placed second.

I think I should’ve won, but I think that a lot.

I’ll be performing in a GrandSLAM in Seattle, NYC, and Washington, DC later this year.

29. Pitch “You’re a Monster, Matthew Dicks” to at least a dozen theaters and/or directors in 2024.

I pitched “You’re a Monster, Matthew Dicks” to one theater in January. I then performed the show on March 30 at the Mopco Improv Theater in Schenectady, New York. It went quite well.

More pitching is planned for this summer.

30. Produce at least 24 episodes of our podcast Speak Up Storytelling.

No progress.

31. Perform stand-up at least six times. 

No progress.

32. Pitch three stories to This American Life.

One story has been pitched thus far.

33. Submit at least three pitches to Marc Maron’s WTF podcast.

No progress.

34. Send a newsletter to readers at least 50 times. 

I’m still uncertain about how to handle this goal. I’m sending a lot of emails to Storyworthy members and customers now—more than 50 newsletters, for sure—but defining a newsletter versus a Storyworthy email is tricky.


35. Organize the basement.

Incremental progress.

36. Clear the garage of unwanted items.

All large items are now gone. Huzzah!

Elysha’s long-forgotten classroom detritus still needs to be eliminated. It is likely a summertime job.


37. Text or call my brother or sister once per month. 


38. Take at least one photo of my children every day.


39. Take at least one photo with Elysha and me each week.

Done! One photo each week with Elysha in May!

40. Plan a reunion of the Heavy Metal Playhouse.

No progress. But in a strange coincidence, a teacher in our school grew up in Attleboro, where the Heavy Metal Playhouse was located, and she is friends with the person who manages Crystal Village, where it was located.

Given how spread out my friends are today, an in-person reunion is probably impossible, but it gave me a little hope.

41. I will not comment positively or negatively about the physical appearance of any person save my wife and children to reduce the focus on physical appearance in our culture overall.


42. Surprise Elysha at least 12 times.

Two surprises are planned in April, but they will not be revealed until sometime in the future.

Two surprises in 2024 so far:

  1. Tickets to “Little Shop of Horrors” on Broadway
  2. Tickets to “Merrily We Go Along” on Broadway

I need to get moving on this goal.

43. Play poker at least six times.

No progress. I’m so dumb.

44. Spend at least six days with my best friend of more than 30 years.

No progress. I’m still so dumb.


45. Memorize the lyrics to at least five favorite songs. 

I memorized the lines to my new favorite Styx song, “Our Wonderful Lives.”

You should go listen to it.

One song memorized in 2024 so far.

46. Practice the flute at least four times per week.

I’ve practiced just six times in May. I brought it home last week in hopes that listening to Charlie play would inspire me.

No luck so far.


47. Read at least 12 books.

I read two books in May, which brings my total to nine so far:

“The Anxious Generation” by Jonathan Haidt
“The Demon of Unrest” by Erik Larson

If you are a parent, a teacher, or a school administrator, you must read “The Anxious Generation”

I’m currently reading:

”Smart Brevity” by Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen, and Roy Schwartz
“The Power Broker” by Robert Caro
“Hello, Molly” by Molly Shannon
“You Like It Darker” by Stephen King
“Excellent Advice for Living” by Kevin Kelly

Books read in 2024 include:

  1. “Upstream” by Chip Heath
  2. ”Happy Pepple Are Annoying” by Josh Peck
  3. ”Comedy Comedy Comedy Drama” by Bob Odenkirk
  4. “The Power of Regret” by Daniel Pink
  5. “Fluke” by Brian Klass
  6. “Misfit” by Gary Gulman
  7. “How to Weep in Public” by Jacqueline Novak
  8. “The Anxious Generation” by Jonathan Haidt
  9. “The Demon of Unrest” by Erik Larson

48. Finish reading TIME’s 100 Best Children’s Books of All Time

I read 12 books from the list in May. I liked quite a few of them, including “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” and “Miss Rumphius.”

I’ve read 36 books from the list thus far.

49. Unify my passwords using a password manager.

Nearly complete. I found three stray programs in May, so I’m still giving it time to ensure that all is complete.

50. Learn to use QuickBooks for my business.

Done! Invoicing, payroll, and taxes are now all managed via QuickBooks. It’s much easier than I thought.

51. Rectify the heating problem in my studio.

I received estimates on this project, which is honestly more than I expected.

As a temporary measure, I’ve purchased an electric radiator and plugged it into a Bluetooth outlet so I can turn the heat on before going downstairs, which allowed the room to be warm by the time I enter.

This solution might be better than the thousands of dollars required to install heat.

Still deciding what to do in terms of a more permanent solution.

52. Learn the names of every employee who works at my school.

I learned the names of three people in May. I’m starting to run out of people whose names I don’t know.

53. Assemble a complete toolbox.

I’ve purchased all of the necessary tools and a box to organize them. However, I still need to gather the stray tools around the house, consolidate everything into one place, and eliminate redundant tools.

54. Edit our wedding footage into a movie of the day.

No progress.

55. Memorize three new poems.

I have memorized “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, which is longer than you think.

I’m still working on Act V Scene 5, lines 18-28 of Macbeth and James Joyce’s “Tree.”

56. Complete my Eagle Scout project.

No progress.

57. Post my progress regarding these resolutions on this blog and social media on the first day of every month.


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