Patricia (Connelly) Beckius 1943 – 2023

Our neighbor, Pat Beckius, passed away last week at the age of 80. When Elysha and I moved onto our street 15 years ago, Pat and her husband, Ken, welcomed us with open arms, and they have been kind to our family ever since. Pat would often ask me about my publishing and teaching career, and she was always ready with a quick wave and a friendly hello.

Here’s what I’ll remember most about Pat:

On Clara’s second Halloween, which was actually Clara’s third Halloween since she boycotted Halloween at age two because she was also Clara back then, Pat learned that Clara had a peanut allergy. For every Halloween since, Pat ensured that she had an extra special Halloween treat for our kids which was always peanut-free for Clara.

It was a tiny gesture but also an enormous one, too. It always meant so much to Elysha and me, and it meant the world to Clara. Knowing that someone sees your child, knows your child, thinks about your child, and then bends the world ever so slightly to make it a little better for your child is everything that a parent could ask for from anyone in this world.

Pat will be missed, but she will never be forgotten. How incredibly lucky we were to have known her.

Rest in peace, Pat.

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