Big day yesterday!
Nearly finished assembling all of our tax documents for the accountant.
Watched Charlie smack the ball in baseball practice.
Cleaned cat puke off my sneaker before putting it on my foot.
Wrote two chapters of the new novel and received an excellent bit of advice from my friend, David, that will make the opening chapters of the book supremely better.
Rode 15 miles on my bike.
Outlined the modules that will eventually become the asynchronous storytelling program that I am developing with a partner.
Read the entire Wikipedia entry on the Suez Canal after learning that Egypt blockaded the canal for 7 years following the Six-Day War to prevent Israel from making use of the it. The blockade was achieved by trapping fifteen cargo ships, known as the “Yellow Fleet,” in the canal.
Searched for a book on the history of the Suez Canal on audio and found none. Searched for a book on the subject in paper and found my choices surprisingly disappointing.
Thought about writing the definitive history of the Suez Canal then realized how difficult that would be.
Found videos of a cat sleeping and a rooster crowing until it passes out that made my family laugh.
Attended a board meeting for a Canadian company that I advise.
Cleaned cat puke off the dining room floor.
Produced and performed in our second annual fundraising storytelling show, virtually, for my school.
Forgot to eat dinner so ate a bowl of Special K with Elysha at 9:30 PM.
But best of all:
Washed and folded 5 loads of laundry which included – brace yourselves – three fitted sheets that I folded BY MYSELF that ended up looking like this.
And yes, all of this was simply a means of bragging about my fitted sheet folding.