In a monologue about Trump’s response to the pandemic and the recent protests, CNN’s S.E. Cupp opened her piece by saying, “It’s been one hell of a month, and we are all still reeling.”
I hate this.
We’re all still reeling?
This has certainly been a difficult time for me. The pandemic has added many new challenges to my life. The murder of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, and the response to the mostly peaceful protests by law enforcement and Donald Trump, have upset me deeply. It’s caused me to reconsider my privilege in this world and seek ways to become a better ally to my friends, colleagues, and students of color.
But reeling?
Don’t foist that reaction onto me. I’m hardly reeling. If anything, I’m incredibly fortunate, and I remind myself of this every day because many Americans are not. I’m still working. Earning a paycheck. Making a real difference in the lives of my students and my clients. I’m healthy. Virus free, as far as I as know, as are my friends and family. I’m riding my bike. Eating well. Playing golf with my friends, and more recently, with Charlie. I plan to start learning the piano this week.
I’ve marched in support of Black Lives Matter alongside my family. Taken long walks with friends. Started reading John Dickerson’s new book on the history of the Presidency. Got my first haircut in 123 days.
On Saturday night Elysha and I produced our first virtual Speak Up show. We’re donating all of our proceeds to the doctors and nurses battling COVID-19 at Yale New Haven Hospital.
On Sunday, I spent Father’s Day with friends and family. I went golfing and biking. Enjoyed a delicious dinner on the deck with my in-laws. When the sun went down, the family piled on the couch for Toy Story 3.
I received some amazing gifts from my family, too. The best gifts.
Also, for the first time in his Presidency, Trump did not tweet on Sunday. Other than a generic Happy Father’s Day image posted to his Twitter feed, not a peep from the ignoramus, probably because he was still reeling from the pathetic turnout at his rally in Tulsa.
Less than 6,200 in attendance in a deeply red state after bragging about millions who requested tickets.
An unexpected Father’s Day surprise.
I’m not reeling, S.E. Cupp. I understand that many Americans are reeling in this moment, and justifiably so. There are many damn good reasons to be reeling right now. Don’t belittle their struggling by simply assuming that everyone is in the same boat.
Some boats are far more leaky right now than others. Some are downright sinking. I suspect – but would never assume – that S.E. Cupp’s boat is in a lot better shape than many, many Americans, too.
Let’s not pretend that everyone’s struggle is equal. Let’s instead look to those who are legitimately reeling and try to offer some help.
Also, don’t assume my emotional state. I’ve been working like hell to remain positive, productive, and hopeful in these difficult times, and I think I’ve managed to do so. I may be a lot of things these days, but reeling?
No. But I’m annoyed right now. Mostly at you.