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grin and bare it

A blog by Matthew Dicks

Out of print but still in demand

By Matthew Dicks | October 14, 2009 tracks America’s most sought-after out-of-print titles and updates their list annually. It’s an interesting list, usually populated by previously unheard-of books, but occasionally you find something interesting. This year’s list includes: Cameron Crowe’s Fast…

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Bad day

By Matthew Dicks | October 13, 2009

Not a bad day. I had a rotten day today. It began as one of those days when I only wanted to stay home and play with my eight-month-old daughter. My wife and I used…

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Okay. Maybe there was one more youthful indiscretion

By Matthew Dicks | October 13, 2009

No sooner had I declared what I thought was my one criminal act than a friend reminded me of another youthful indiscretion. Again, this is not at the same level as Martin, the protagonist from…

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My crime-riddled past

By Matthew Dicks | October 12, 2009

This afternoon, I spoke at a local retirement community, discussing Something Missing and the process by which the novel was written. I read a bit from the book, talked about my life and how I…

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By Matthew Dicks | October 12, 2009

Two minutes after posting about Herpes, a deleted character from Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I was told by my buddy, Shep, that Veruca Salt (another character from the book) was named after…

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Characters named after electronic device addiction and sexually transmitted diseases

By Matthew Dicks | October 12, 2009

Years ago, I read my students Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was the third year that I had read the book to one of my classes, and having grown bored with it, I decided…

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By Matthew Dicks | October 12, 2009

Have you ever seen a flag better than that of the Benin Empire?  

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Deep thoughts

By Matthew Dicks | October 11, 2009

I found myself in a conversation yesterday while standing outside a Barnes and Noble bookstore, about the essence of joy as it pertains to the admittedly illogical but unavoidable feeling of euphoria and despair associated…

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Resolution update: September 2009

By Matthew Dicks | October 11, 2009

In January of this year, I established a list of twelve New Year’s resolutions. At the end of each month, I report on my progress to hold myself accountable. 1. Finish my second novel before…

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The invincible Scott, and then everyone else

By Matthew Dicks | October 10, 2009

I was recently criticized for admitting to cataloging the weaknesses of the people I know so that when I am engaged in a verbal confrontation, I have a means of exploiting their flaws, crushing their…

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