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grin and bare it

A blog by Matthew Dicks

Holiday treat

By Matthew Dicks | December 20, 2009

Praise from Jim Higgins of the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel, who includes Something Missing in his Ten Books You Will Just Simply Enjoy.

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Bad book covers

By Matthew Dicks | December 19, 2009

Joe Queenan recently wrote an essay in the Sunday Book Review about how bad book covers can influence his reading choices. I feel his pain. Bad book covers have kept me from reading some books…

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Challenging literary analysis

By Matthew Dicks | December 19, 2009

Tonight, I was reading Eric Carle’s The Very Lonely Firefly to my daughter. Though I like the book a lot, I apparently never fully understood the story. As the firefly makes its way around town,…

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A likely excuse

By Matthew Dicks | December 18, 2009
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Honesty gets you nowhere

By Matthew Dicks | December 17, 2009

I must have been living in a cave four years ago when Ayelet Waldman published this piece in which she says she loves her husband more than her children. In talking about it now with…

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Best response ever

By Matthew Dicks | December 17, 2009
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New name. New design. Same writer.

By Matthew Dicks | December 16, 2009

In case you haven’t noticed, the masthead of this blog changed today. The original masthead, designed by my wife, reflected the blog’s previous URL. That address,, is now the location of my new author’s…

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Judging people based upon viewing choices

By Matthew Dicks | December 16, 2009

It might not be nice, but I often judge people by the television shows they watch while exercising at the gym. Each machine has its own TV, and I find people’s programming choices utterly fascinating.…

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Rock opera update

By Matthew Dicks | December 16, 2009

Last night, my friend Andy and I had our first reading (and listening) of the rock opera we have been working on for several months. A group of friends gathered around my dining room table,…

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By Matthew Dicks | December 15, 2009

Katherine from Bunch of Grapes Bookstore recently made me aware of the fabulousness of Handerpants. I know. Handerpants are nothing new. I have a friend who wears a version of handerpants regularly (much to the…

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