Another review!
And a great one, too. This one is from the June 1 issue of Kirkus Reviews, a “respected, authoritative pre-publication review source within the literary and film industries,” according to…
And a great one, too. This one is from the June 1 issue of Kirkus Reviews, a “respected, authoritative pre-publication review source within the literary and film industries,” according to…
My wife recently described my writing process like this: You approach writing like you approach life: As a problem solver. You create complex and elaborate problems for your characters, and…
The second review of Something Missing was forwarded to me today, a starred review (the highest praise a book can receive in this publication) in the June 1 issue of…
My first review came out today in Publisher’s Weekly. Though it contains some criticism which I will attempt to process over the coming days, the review is quite positive and…
I’m a member of a book club that I enjoy very much. We are currently reading Death with Interruptions by Jose Saramago. It was chosen by my wife, Elysha, who…
Just after complaining about my ability to write dialogue, I receive an email from a friend who just finished reading a draft of Unexpectedly, Milo: "Finished the book last week. …
Dan Baum has been twittering about his brief career as a staff writer at the New Yorker, and it is fascinating for anyone interested in the literary world and learning…
In the recent debate over how many spaces should come after a period, I unequivocally come down on the side of two. In the words of this blog’s author, “Taking…
Each time I sit down in front of the laptop, one of my goals is to craft crisp, well-paced, realistic, and original dialogue. A daunting task depending upon the day.…