Girl Scout reboot required
After finishing my second successful term as President of the United States, I intend on taking over the Girl Scouts and turning that waste-of-time organization into something that can truly…
After finishing my second successful term as President of the United States, I intend on taking over the Girl Scouts and turning that waste-of-time organization into something that can truly…
From the ages of 18-21 I lived with my friend and future DJ partner, Bengi, in an apartment in Attleboro,Massachusetts that we affectionately called The Heavy Metal Playhouse. While Bengi…
Thought this might be fun. Here’s an updated list of all the jobs that I’ve held in my life, in chronological order. 1. Farm laborer, Blackstone, MA: When I was…
My wife can’t throw away stuffed animals, even if she despises the furry, inanimate objects. Tonight she attempted to throw away a worn-out, bedraggled, hand-me-down stuffed bunny, but try as…
In an effort to convince a former student to name her new dog after me, I told her this amusing but true story. About six years ago my DJ partner,…
From the Washington Post piece entitled Get a Good Read on the Market: Pick Up a Book: As Berkshire Hathaway vice chairman Charlie Munger has said in assessing the success…
I’ve often been advised to learn something new everyday. And I try. Today’s bit of knowledge was especially interesting. I learned that artificial insemination via an anonymous sperm donor can…
From The Washington Post’s story entitled Fun Facts About Our English Language: Are there any words that exist only as a plural? There are quite a few, including scissors, binoculars…
I spent the afternoon visiting my childhood home in Blackstone, Massachusetts, a house that I lived in from the ages of three to seventeen before my evil step-father stopped paying…
I’ve been thinking a lot about Heaven’s Gate. Remember the cult? They were the people who believed that an alien spacecraft was following behind the Hale-Bopp comet, and that in…