Stupid tee shirt made stupider
I saw a woman in the gym today with a tee-shirt that read: A friend will help you move… Then on the back of the tee-shirt, it read: But a…
I saw a woman in the gym today with a tee-shirt that read: A friend will help you move… Then on the back of the tee-shirt, it read: But a…
I received the following email (links added by me) from a reader this morning, who gave me permission to post it here absent his or her name: _____________________________________ Your post entitled…
The fact that I cannot walk into a restaurant full of empty tables and simply choose the table that I want baffles me. I understand that when the joint is…
As a writer, certain words annoy me. For example, the word minute, an indication of 60 seconds of time, is spelled the same as minute, meaning small. I hate this.…
Even though Elysha and I are on the no call list, we still receive the occasional unsolicited calls from telemarketers. Usually these are companies that we already do business with…
A friend of mine recently started doing business with one of the “Top 3 dermatologists in New York City.” There is a select breed of person in this world who…
I watched a woman grind her enormous SUV into a Subaru station wagon as she was backing into a parking spot at Shaw’s supermarket today. My question: Why does anyone…
Okay, I have a contest, and hopefully enough of my readers will be interested to make it worthwhile. On August 25, I will be appearing at WORD in Brooklyn, NY…
I’ve reach the point in my teaching career when some of my first students are now becoming young adults. As such, many of them are now becoming people who I…
Thomas Friedman wrote an article that talked about how the world has become more transparent. With the advent of blogs, cell phone cameras, and social networks like Facebook and MySpace,…