threatening to take over the world is a website that many people (mostly women) use in order to plan their weddings. I am familiar with this site because my DJ company has been recommended on… is a website that many people (mostly women) use in order to plan their weddings. I am familiar with this site because my DJ company has been recommended on…
My book tour continues this week with appearances at The Book Cellar in Brattleboro, Vermont on Thursday night at 7:00 and at Water Street Books in Essex, New Hampshire on…
A friend recently wrote to me: I enjoy these little articles that you link to a lot. I just have one question though: Do you really have that much free…
I have a theory. We all begin with an IQ that tops 200, but with each successive smack on the head, our IQ drops. I watch as my daughter hits…
If you’re not listening to podcasts, you have no idea what you’re missing. If you’re listening to podcasts but you’re not listening to RadioLab, you have no idea what you’re…
Imagine that you are an offensive lineman, 360-pounds, crouched down into a three-point stance, ready to explode on the snap count. Your knees are sore from years in the trenches…
Okay, it’s not exactly a full-blown review, and it’s inexplicably in the Crime column, but still, you can find UNEXPECTEDLY, MILO in this Sunday’s New York Times Book Review! I’m…
Sometimes, when I am sad or bored, I like to watch people squirm. Is that mean?
Researchers on a recent episode of the Harvard Business Review IdeaCast recently discussed a Berkeley study which showed that people actually enjoy television more with commercials than without. This is…
Best casting job ever: Julie Warner in the film Tommy Boy. In this film, Warner must do the impossible: 1. Be good looking enough to play the lead female role…