The ability to make fun of oneself is a sign of great intellect.
The willingness to do so is a sign of great inner strength. Bravo, Rebecca Black. Even if your song sucks. Friday Lyrics Analyzed with Rebecca Black from Rebecca Black
The willingness to do so is a sign of great inner strength. Bravo, Rebecca Black. Even if your song sucks. Friday Lyrics Analyzed with Rebecca Black from Rebecca Black
Another peak into the mind of my daughter via her little people. With the ponies and dragons lined up with a precision that would make my wife and I a…
The request for an apology is a clear indication of a person’s likelihood to be eaten first in a zombie apocalypse. That is, if the zombies can stomach the sense…
Last year I mentioned that I had three great academic moments while in college. The first pertained to a poem that I wrote. The second (and perhaps my favorite) pertained…
For your general amusement, my school ID cards from years gone by: Seventh grade (1983): Ninth grade (1985): Manchester Community College (1994) Trinity College (1996)
Yesterday a former student stopped by my class to say hello. He stood awkwardly in front of me for a second until his friend told me that he wanted a…
Lemmings don’t leap off cliffs and commit commit suicide as they migrate. It turns out that the phrase “like lemmings to the sea” is nonsense. The metaphor derives from the…
My appearance at the upcoming Connecticut Book Festival has been finalized for those interested in attending. I will be speaking on Sunday from 10:00-11:00 AM at the University of Connecticut…
Based upon my daughter’s behavior this evening, I suspect that she is vying for a new dollhouse or perhaps an extended bedtime. Clara is playing with her little people. They…
A quick update on yesterday’s post by the same name: It turns out that as I was writing my list, Jason Bailey at Flavorpill was making a list as well,…