This is the best they could do?
Professional Building? Seriously? They couldn’t name the building after someone slightly deserving? Just for the hell of it? A former President perhaps? A war hero? An Eagle Scout? A suffragette?…
Professional Building? Seriously? They couldn’t name the building after someone slightly deserving? Just for the hell of it? A former President perhaps? A war hero? An Eagle Scout? A suffragette?…
Does Reno really think he’s going to generate business with this advertising strategy? Is he wondering why the business card he tacked into the corkboard above the urinal at the…
The photographer at last night’s wedding asked my DJ partner if he and I were brothers. We get this a lot. My partner is just a lesser version of me.…
There are tree-chewing beavers on my daughter’s favorite television show, Peep and the Big Wide World. Apparently they have made a big impression on her.
A reader recently accused me of being materialistic after I wrote about my lack of a favorite number, specifically criticizing me for saying that when it comes to salary, my…
Someone on Twitter recently asked for first date ideas, and it got me thinking about some of the first date staples from my youth. Two in particular. When I was…
From an article in the Times on napping in children: Dr. Jenni was one of the authors of a large study, published in 2003 in the journal Pediatrics, which measured…
One of my friends is yearning for the day when her son will sit still in a restaurant and finally eat like a regular human being. It will happen sooner…
As an author, I’m always happy to answer the question, “Where do you get your ideas?” I particularly like this question when it’s asked at one of my author appearances.…
Did I just hear an Evangelical Republican candidate admit that he does not know if the Bible should be taken literally? Did I just hear him say that the seven…