Laugh Laugh Laugh Cry
Elysha has said that the best stories I tell are "Laugh Laugh Laugh Cry." Many of my stories fall into this formula, meaning: I tell an amusing and sometimes hilarious…
Elysha has said that the best stories I tell are "Laugh Laugh Laugh Cry." Many of my stories fall into this formula, meaning: I tell an amusing and sometimes hilarious…
About ten minutes into my flight to Charleston, South Caroline, the woman beside me falls asleep and flops into my seat. Her head lands on my shoulder and chest, where…
I've always hoped that my children's lives are filled with brilliant, joyous adults who make them feel loved, respected, valued, and happy. The more, the merrier. It truly takes a…
The visitor center in Muir Woods National Park features an operational payphone. Cell service in the forest is spotty, so a payphone is available if you need to call someone.…
Charlie asks for a harmonica in the Alcatraz gift shop. My initial response is no. He plays trumpet and guitar already, but more importantly, he likes to make noise whenever…
If you use Grammarly, you receive a weekly analysis of your writing statistics listing your productivity, mastery, and vocabulary. Below is a portion of my results. I don't post mine…
Woman is mowing her lawn in the 102-degree Texas heat. Riding a lawnmower. A four-foot venomous snake falls from the sky, lands on her arm, and wraps around it. The…
While hiking Muir Woods National Park, a grove of coastal redwood trees, we had the following two encounters: Seeing Elysha's New York Yankees cap, a man said, "Oh, you're from…
We arrive in San Fransisco to discover that Elysha has left her medication at home. She calls her doctor and arranges for her prescription to be refilled at a local…
"You Are the Sunshine of My Life" is a Stevie Wonder song you've undoubtedly heard many times. It was Wonder's third Billboard chart topper and has become a classic still…