My new favorite photo of me and my girl
We’re sitting in a booth at one of our favorite restaurants, and she is ordering me to draw shapes. She’s bossy like that.
We’re sitting in a booth at one of our favorite restaurants, and she is ordering me to draw shapes. She’s bossy like that.
I’m in Newburyport, MA at a literary festival this weekend. Tonight I am grateful for snippets of video like this, which make the time away from my little girl a…
Parents and teachers often ask me about how my students so consistently fall in love with writing. The answer to this question could probably fill a book, but here is…
Maybe you knew this existed already, but I did not. And while I have been told that it is actually a well written, well edited, fairly esteemed publication, I can’t…
With about a month to go, there won’t be many more moments like this, so tonight I’m grateful to have recorded one for posterity.
I heard an advertisement for the ideal Mother’s Day gift today and thought, “Mom would love that. I should order it now and not wait until the last moment,” forgetting,…
New York Times bestselling author Deborah Kogan tweeted a quote by her five year old son last week that continues to haunt with me. When it comes to my persistent…
My daughter cuddled with me for a solid twenty minutes today, the longest on record. We played hide-and-go seek for what felt like an hour. We assembled jigsaw puzzles together.…
In her Huffington Post “Notes from My (Book) Shelf”column, the very generous and highly esteemed Roxanne Coady, owner of RJ Julia Booksellers in Madison, CT, writes: Serendipitous Moment of the…
My wife and I think that background television (the continued use of the television even though its audience is engaged in other activities) is the opiate of the masses. The…