Just say I screwed up
When my wife emerged from the store, this is what she found: Her car is the one on the left. Carrying our three-week old son in his car seat at…
When my wife emerged from the store, this is what she found: Her car is the one on the left. Carrying our three-week old son in his car seat at…
Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend is on sale in Spain! A reader was kind enough to send me a photo of the cover today (I hadn’t seen it yet).
Last week I received an email from a frequent reader of my blog and a follower on Twitter who had just finished reading my new book (she lives overseas where…
My newborn son is in my lap, presumably happy as a clam while I tap away on my keyboard. I’m making serious progress, able to type with two hands for…
Has you seen Lena Dunham’s film Tiny Furniture? I heard great things about this movie, and over the weekend, my wife and I finally had a chance to sit down…
When my daughter was born three years ago, I wrote a post detailing the day as part of the blog I write to my children every day. I did the…
There are have been many versions and iterations and drafts of the cover for my next book (and you’ve probably seen a few), but the final cover for Memoirs of…
I’m listening to filmmaker Mark Duplass discuss his life and career on Marc Maron’s podcast. I like Duplass a lot. I suspect that in terms of our sense of narrative…
Forgive the gratuitous images of me and my son. He’s just so damn cute.