The lowest forms of human communication
The following are the four lowest forms of human communication, in no specific order. I’m willing to consider additions to the list, so please feel free to offer me your…
The following are the four lowest forms of human communication, in no specific order. I’m willing to consider additions to the list, so please feel free to offer me your…
After allowing our daughter’s hair to grow past her waist, my wife and I decided that it was time for my daughter’s first haircut. We expected it to go poorly.…
My daughter doesn’t understand tag. She thinks that the person who is “It” is the one who is supposed to be chased. She points her finger at me, shouts, “You’re…
Alex Pareene wrote a take down of humorist Andy Borowitz that I found so infantile that I felt obliged to write a take down of his take down here, even…
A post on Time Management Ninja entitled Be More Productive by Making Your Life a Game struck a chord with me. While I do not adhere strictly to the premise…
As I prepare to re-enter the classroom next week for another year of teaching, I was thinking about some of the most important lessons that I will attempt to impart…
This morning my daughter was making up a new song about a “twirly swing” at the park. She was in the midst of creation, inventing the lyrics and the melody…
I competed in The Moth’s StorySLAM last night and came in second place, losing to my storytelling hero, Steve Zimmer, by a tenth of a point. It was actually an…
The reviews of MEMOIRS OF AN IMAGINARY FRIEND have been pouring in, and while I will not share all of them with you, I thought that these three were worth…