My little girl playing football?
Have you heard about Erin DiMeglio, the first girl to play quarterback in a Florida high school football game? DeMeglio is the third string quarterback on a roster is filled…
Have you heard about Erin DiMeglio, the first girl to play quarterback in a Florida high school football game? DeMeglio is the third string quarterback on a roster is filled…
An Oregon woman attempted to disguise a giant teddy bear as an additional human passenger in order to travel in the high occupancy vehicle lane “and now faces a $260…
I wonder if Clinton will speak to an imaginary Clint Eastwood tonight at the Democratic National Convention. I doubt it. I’m guessing that Clinton knows the first rule of Imaginary…
Wouldn’t it be great if the Paralympics received the same amount of attention as the Olympics? Races like this are thrilling and inspiring beyond belief, yet so few of us…
Gerascophobia is the fear of growing old. I would be consumed with gerascophobia if I was to ever accept that I was getting older, which I would never do because…
My daughter has informed us that her infant brother’s favorite game is The Open and Close Eyes Game. “He’s playing it again, Daddy!” she shouts as Charlie sits in my…
TIME reports that “Last summer’s blockbuster movie season was considered a bust, with the fewest movie tickets sold at theaters since 1997. Despite recent hits such as “The Avengers” and…
I will never understand why songwriters repeat the first verse of a song as their third verse. Thankfully, it doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it can completely ruin…
I was waiting in line for a chicken sandwich at Wendy’s when the woman standing behind me said to me, “God, I’m sorry I even came here. These people are…