Resolution update: March 2013
In an effort to hold myself accountable, I post the progress of my yearly goals at the end of each month on this blog. The following are the results through…
In an effort to hold myself accountable, I post the progress of my yearly goals at the end of each month on this blog. The following are the results through…
It’s been a long time since I added to my list of unacceptable platitudes. Past platitudes include: “That’s your opinion.” “Nobody’s perfect.” “At least I admit my faults.” Today I…
According to the Associated Press, the Wall Street Journal and leading Catholic authorities, Pope Francis’s recent decision to wash the feet of two girls, including a Muslim, during a traditional…
There were some super cute naked photos as well, but I decided not to expose his bottom to the world.
I can only assume that my daughter and her grandfather get along so well because they are so close in maturity level. Whatever the reason, Clara thinks of Gramps as…
When my wife doesn’t like something I’ve written, she tilts her head, squints her eyes and rereads, as if doing so will make it look better. I fear that look.…
Each week, amongst the many interesting, insightful and occasionally scathing comments on my blog, I find comments by businesses and/or spammers who are clever enough to construct comments that avoid…
Less than 48 hours later:
I have always been anti-snooze button. There is no better way to waste time than to remain in bed after you have awoken. People waste hundreds, if not thousands of…
It turns out that I write about my super powers quite often. First there was a post about my actual super hero persona: Mr. Indestructible. I cannot be killed (having…