The search for the perfect handbag instead uncovers a small herd of vapid, mindless, disgusting sheep.

The Wall Street Journal published a story last week entitled The Nerve-Racking, Soul-Searching, Exhilarating Process of Shopping for a Handbag, that I sort of find unbelievable and tragic. In fact,…

Continue ReadingThe search for the perfect handbag instead uncovers a small herd of vapid, mindless, disgusting sheep.

Science supports my wife’s hatred of cilantro and my hatred of broccoli, but she has more credibility than me in food related issues. Unfairly so.

In speaking about cilantro, Julia Child once said, “I would pick it out if I saw it and throw it on the floor.” My wife concurs. Though her palate is…

Continue ReadingScience supports my wife’s hatred of cilantro and my hatred of broccoli, but she has more credibility than me in food related issues. Unfairly so.