When I started working as a wedding DJ in 1997, the world was damn near prehistoric.
My partner and I started our DJ business 17 years ago on a whim. We had no experience and no equipment but thought we could make it work. Since 1997,…
My partner and I started our DJ business 17 years ago on a whim. We had no experience and no equipment but thought we could make it work. Since 1997,…
As a teacher, I am asked hundreds of questions a day. Occasionally I am asked a question that is so new, so strange or so challenging that I make note…
Watching my daughter teach my son something new is just about as good as it gets.
Slate’s Matthew Yglesias reports on the economics of a new drug called Modafinil, which appears to let people get by with much less sleep than they do today. When I…
First I see Slate’s tweet: The American way of using a fork and knife is inefficient and inelegant. Here's a better way: http://slate.me/11MPniB I’m annoyed. The piece already sounds trite…
I am often asked where I get the inspiration and ideas for my stories, especially considering that I’m fortunate enough to have so many ideas from which to choose. A…
This is supposedly a TED Talk about the anatomy of a New Yorker cartoon, but it is also a dissertation on the nature of humor and what makes things funny.…
Sometime in the fall of 2014, I will be seated onstage with international bestselling author Sarah McCoy, speaking to an audience of readers and booksellers about books and writing, and…
I whispered to my daughter, "Go kiss Mommy on the cheek. It'll make her so happy." My daughter's response: "She's already happy." This may be true, but it was beside…
People who purchase and use amateur fireworks lack intelligence and do not value their fingers appropriately. This unfair assumption may have more to do with my fear of exploding objects,…