Speak Up tickets now on sale
Tickets to our next Speak Up storytelling show on May 17 at Real Art Ways in Hartford, CT are now available. The theme of the night is Bad Romance, and…
Tickets to our next Speak Up storytelling show on May 17 at Real Art Ways in Hartford, CT are now available. The theme of the night is Bad Romance, and…
If asked to choose a favorite author (which is a ridiculous exercise), I always say Kurt Vonnegut. He was a genius. A rule breaker. A curmudgeon of the highest order.…
I could watch my children roll a ball back and forth on the front lawn forever.
Elysha and I have been together for ten years. We’ll celebrate our eighth wedding anniversary in July. Over the course of the decade that we have been together, we have…
Whenever my daughter sees a penny on the ground, she bends over, picks it up, and says, “Find a penny and pick it up, and all the day you’ll have…
I know it sounds simple and stupid, but if you want to be more productive, walk fast.I am often teased by colleagues because I walk down the halls at breakneck…
Last week we dealt with two incredible acts of customer service stupidity by two large companies. As a person who has worked in the customer service industry as an employee,…
Until we have our Speak Up website up and running, I’ll continue to post information here about our upcoming shows and workshops. We are in the process of wrapping up…
Men can somehow be incredibly cruel to one another, in a very protracted and public ways, and not damage their friendships at all. Pranks are accepted in male culture. They…
I told a story on Wednesday night at The Moth’s StorySLAM at Housing Works in New York City. The theme of the night was Secrets. I was lucky enough to…