This woman wears the same thing to work everyday. You should be as impressed with her as I am.
Matilda Kalh, an art director at one of the leading creative advertising agencies in New York, wears the same thing to work every day. She explains her rationale in a…
This is why spell-check is my hero.
There are 923 words in the English language that break the “I before E” rule.Only 44 words actually follow that rule.
Nice is anything but nice
The word "nice" used to mean "a stupid or foolish person."For the record, it still means "a stupid or foolish person" much of the time. Question: "What do you think of your…
I think there might be something wrong with my daughter.
I'm worried about my daughter. I was watching her coloring yesterday. She was using a white piece of paper. She was coloring it with a white crayon. White on white. Who does…
My Professional Best Man career is officially launched
After more than half a dozen failed attempts at being hired - all due to limitations of geography - it has finally happened:I have been hired as a professional best man. …
Stealing Daddy’s headphones
My wireless headphones are perched atop my head so often that there was a time when my son thought that they were a part of my body.They’re a little big…
3 Reasons Why You Should Never Send a Kid to a Dictionary to Look Up the Spelling of a Word
As an elementary school teacher for 17 years, I have been asked for the spelling of a word hundreds, if not thousands, of times.Every time I have been asked --…
Wedding advice: No impromptu toasts.
Wedding season is upon us. On Saturday my partner and I will begin our 19th season as wedding DJs. When we started back in 1996, we still had a…
Potty training in the modern world
Potty training in 2015 includes counsel from a supportive sister and an iPad propped up on a footstool. Times have changed.
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